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.env File


Favicons können pro Installation individuell eingebunden werden. Man benötigt mindestens eine quadratische Vorlage von 256x256 Pixel, die weiteren Auflösungen können automatisch erstellt werden (unter Admin -> Upload Logo und Bilder). Ausnahme ist die SVG Grafik für Safari (safari-pinned-tab.svg), die manuell erstellt und hochgeladen werden muss. Aus dem Ordner favicon (im customers Ordner) werden folgende Dateien eingebunden:

  • android-icon-192x192.png
  • android-icon-256x256.png
  • apple-icon-114x114.png
  • apple-icon-120x120.png
  • apple-icon-144x144.png
  • apple-icon-152x152.png
  • apple-icon-180x180.png
  • apple-icon-57x57.png
  • apple-icon-60x60.png
  • apple-icon-72x72.png
  • apple-icon-76x76.png
  • favicon-16x16.png
  • favicon-32x32.png
  • favicon-96x96.png
  • manifest.json
  • safari-pinned-tab.svg


We go here through the most important settings which only can be set by the superuser.

abo and maximum_storage

abo should contain "basic", "standard" or "pro".

maximum_storage should contain the disk space in GB. It is used by the command anton:check-disk-space.


To get an additional column with thumbs in the result lists, copy this into the setting:

    "name":"identifier", "label":"Identifier", "sortField":"identifier"},{"name":"any_title","label":"Title","sortField":"title"},{"name":"creationDateLabel", "label":"Date", "sortField":"object_creation_min"},
    {"name":"lod_extent","label":"Level of description","sortField":"level_of_description_id"},
    {"name":"other_information","label":"Other information","sort":false},{"name":"first_image","label":"Image","sort":false},

searchfields and search_fields_extern

If you want to configure the searchfields for the advanced search you can fill this setting with a json object. You can find the full json here:
